Our Services

Our service is mainly auditing or evaluating of a person, organisation, system, process, enterprise, project or product for the Parliament and the People of Kiribati.

The Kiribati Audit Office have six sections that carry out different audits. These Audit Sections are for the Government Ministries & Treasury (Cenrtal Government), ICT Section, Local Government (Island Councils), Projects & NGOs and State Owned Enterprises.

Below you will find six links to these Section pages that can also be accessed by using the navigation menu above.

ICT Audit

Projects & NGOs

Local Governments (Island Councils) Government Ministries Treausry State Owned Enterprices
IT Auditing  PerformanceProjectpic1 LocalGovernmentpic1 Government Building treasury pot of gold  SOE1



Expected National Level Outcome 1: Enhanced transparency, accountability, equal opportunities including upholding the rule of Law/ access to justice, inclusiveness in decision making process (Supportive Role)

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.



Audit for an impact for the Public



Provide quality audit services to Government, our Clients and the People of Kiribati.



Professionalism, Enjoy our Work, Customer Service Focus and Continuous Improvements.